In the event of a campus closure or other emergency, you can continue teaching. There will be things that cannot be duplicated via distance means (i.e. labs); however, being prepared by thinking about how the content can continue to be taught is critical to a successful modality change. 


无论经验水平如何, there are multiple options that will allow a course to be continued via online tools. 唯一不变的是, 不管经验如何, 这是向在线教学的平稳过渡吗, 不管持续多久, 计划. A good online course is planned and designed; it is not just a matter of turning on the web cam and recording your lecture.


Address emergencies and expectations up front in the course syllabus. Include detailed information such as procedures and tools to be utilized in the event that campus is closed. Learners should know exactly what to do so they can prepare accordingly. This should be updated each semester so class can move smoothly into the new format.


尽早与学习者沟通. Inform them of changes and provide direction as to your expectations for checking email or Moodle, 这样你就可以保持联系了.

Consider realistic goals for continuing instruction:

Working online often takes more time for both student and instructor, so if one tries to meet the same literal contact/homework hours, 很快就会变得势不可挡. 

As you move forward, be prepared for a number of things that can add up to more time spent: 

  • 多次重复的问题,
  • regular online communication; this could be daily, 每隔一天, 甚至每隔三天, 但是要使用电子邮件, 公告, 还有聊天功能. 
  • 必须提醒学生对他们的期望, 他们有什么家庭作业?, 当他们进行评估时. 他们会忘记的,所以提醒他们.
  • avoid busy work and keep your learning outcomes at the center of your course.


You can meet the same learning outcomes whether you are face-to-face, 混合动力, or fully online; however, 坐位时间不容易测量. Think about your lecture content, 作业, activities, assessments, and of course the schedule. 不要害怕调整在哪里和如何必要.

  • Make synchronous activities asynchronous to ease scheduling challenges
  • do not penalize students who cannot participate due to lack of or poor Internet access or factors relating to accessibility.
  • You might want to maintain normal course scheduling, since they are already used to that; however, remember that there maybe other demands on them that were not there when they were attending class on campus.
  • Make sure students are familiar with any tools you are using. Provide tutorials, clear directions, and options when possible. 
  • Be prepared to reconsider some previous expectations, 包括参与, 沟通和截止日期. Be ready to handle requests for extensions or accommodations equitably.

Communication and 课程材料 can be disseminated by using: 

  • 直接沟通的电邮. 
  • Zoom for live communication with your students and hosting your classes online.
  • Moodle用于课程公告, 作业, 课程材料, 课堂讲稿或幻灯片, 小测验, 评估/考试, 以及论坛讨论. Moodle是一个可访问的平台.