If you are concerned about your son's or daughter's success, remind them about the different FREE services the 卓越学术中心 provides.

Services offered include subject tutoring in a group setting, 一对一私人辅导, 数学补充教学, 书面沟通协助, and our academic success coach who can meet one-on-one to help with study skills, 时间管理, 以及其他不同的话题.  

We are here to help your student succeed.


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) is a federal law intended to protect the privacy of student educational records accumulated form early childhood through college. FERPA, sometimes referred to as the Buckley Amendment, provides parents with certain rights with respect to their child’s K-12 education records. 然而, once a student reaches the age of 18 or enters college, the rights previously held by the parents transfer exclusively to the student.

Parents can obtain information from the college only if their child has provided the college with written instructions to do so. 没有 Authorization for Disclosure of Confidential Information form, you will need to obtain academic information directly from your child.


  • Incoming freshman are encouraged to register for MT1016 College Success. This is a two-credit course that educates students on the various techniques and strategies it takes to be successful in a university setting. Although this course is intended for freshman, students at any academic level will find it beneficial.
  • If your student is struggling with the demands (both academic and social) of college, please encourage them to make an appointment with one of our licensed counselors. 更多信息可在 我们的咨询页面.
  • If your student has a learning disability, make sure they use the various accommodations that Montana Tech University provides. 更多信息请访问我们的网站 残疾服务网页.
  • Feel free to visit College Parent Central a site that is designed to give you information, 值得思考, about college and parenting a college student.  http://www.collegeparentcentral.com/2010/01/how-parents-can-help-support-their-college-student-in-difficulty/
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